A new researcher has joined our Lab!

Dr. Rumiko Okamoto has been assigned to our laboratory as a visiting researcher.
A new researcher has joined our Lab!
Dr. Chisae Murata has been assigned to our laboratory as a visiting researcher.
The Paper on AICOG will be published in “Frontiers in Neurology”
The paper on AICOG* has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Neurology.
Please refer to the website of Frontiers in Neurology below for the abstract.
Deep learning-based screening test for cognitive impairment using basic blood test data for health examination
Kaoru Sakatani1, Katsunori Oyama2 and Lizhen Hu1
1Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan
2College of Engineering, Nihon University, Japan
*AICOG is a trademark of Iko Healthcare Technologies. It is an algorithm that estimates cognitive function from general blood tests using deep learning.
A new researcher has joined our Lab!

Dr. Shigeru Asano has been assigned to our laboratory as a project researcher.
Information on summer closures (8/6–8/16)
The Sakatani Laboratory will be closed August 6–16, 2020.
A new researcher has joined our Lab!

Dr. Ronko Itamura has been assigned to our laboratory as a visiting researcher.
A new researcher has joined our Lab!

Physical Therapist Masamichi Moriya has been assigned to our laboratory as a visiting researcher.
A new researcher has joined our Lab!

Professor Yukio Yamada, Professor Emeritus at The University of Electro-Communications, has been assigned to our laboratory as a project researcher.
A new researcher has joined our Lab!

Professor Tomomasa Sato, Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo has been assigned to our laboratory, as a project researcher.
The collaboration between our laboratory and J-League team FC Imabari was covered in the media.
Information on summer closures (8/11–8/18)
The Sakatani Laboratory will be closed August 11–18, 2019.
Professor Sakatani’s research on health management using AI was covered in the media.

Professor Sakatani’s book is now available for sale.

This book was edited as a standard textbook that covers topics from basic research to clinical application of NIRS based on the newest research outcomes. It is characterized by: 1) attempts to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of NIRS, 2) an overview of methods and grounds for data analysis and interpretation from various standpoints, and 3) an explanation of cerebral blood flow monitoring in addition to functional imaging of the brain. It is recommended not only for experts conducting NIRS technology research, but also for beginners seeking to start using NIRS. (Copied from Amazon book review).